Saturday, April 11, 2020

Huxley Vs. Orwell - Harvard Law Review Sample Essay

Huxley Vs. Orwell - Harvard Law Review Sample EssayIn honor of the turn of the century, a look at Huxley vs. Orwell in a Harvard Law Review sample essay. The essay was initially commissioned by the senior editor of the school's newspaper, the Crimson. I think the choice was appropriate as the stakes were higher for the author who was critiquing the quality of literature being produced in the country.Orwell, of course, would later consider Huxley as an authority and even praise him for his writing. In the essay, the author presented several questions and I will outline some of the answers in this article.To begin with, he asked what made Huxley such a superior writer? He also wanted to know why the works of Huxley were considered better than the works of Orwell. He saw the debate as being about the quality of literature in the United States. The essay also made the point that many of Huxley's contemporaries were much more famous than he was, but I disagree with that assessment.As far as the quality of the literature, I do not know that there is much doubt that Orwell was a great and productive writer. In my opinion, Huxley was a very good writer, and I'm sure he had excellent creative talent. The difference between the two writers is that Huxley had a larger impact upon American culture than Orwell ever would have, which caused his influence to grow more dramatically than Orwell's influence.I also do not think the debate is about the quality of literature, it is more of a dispute over the legitimacy of its authors. There are all too many people who say that Huxley is a fraud, that he doesn't deserve the recognition and that he was never more than a mediocre writer. While this is very true, the fact is that he was very influential and many of his novels made their way into Hollywood and into the hearts of moviegoers.For instance, one of the reasons that Huxley's work is so respected is that his work deals with contemporary society. It's also the case that Huxley' s works deal with a few very controversial issues in society, such as drug abuse, class, and totalitarianism. In my opinion, these topics are issues that are more important to be addressed in the books that are being written now than they were in the past. This does not mean that the work of Huxley is not important, only that the demands of today are different than the demands of the past.It seems to me that the authors of these books should receive greater credit than they currently do. In fact, many of them are deeply influenced by the writings of Orwell. If you were to call a Hollywood producer and ask them what the differences were between Huxley and Orwell, they might laugh at you. The truth is that while Huxley's works are considered inferior to Orwell's, both writers have had an enormous influence on American society and literature.

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